Monday, May 2, 2011

so think about tonight

So last week, Scott asked me to help him out on some choreography for the dance scene in Romeo & Juliet (our play within the play), I spent a while trying to think of something to teach everyone and NONE of it worked out. The spacing I had thought of was too deep for the stage, some motions didn't meet up where they were supposed to.I had to make it up on the spot, luckily John Michael was my partner and we figured it out quickly. Thank goodness! I think it's a cute little dance.Speaking of John Michael, I found out that we live, literally, next door to each other! How strange?!
Anyway, tonight we ran Act I. It went pretty good for a first run through! I always like to see how I naturally act in the beginning as the character, then take things that work and sculpt it through rehearsals. I felt a little obnoxious today.... we'll see where that takes me? I have never been a, so-called, creative actor (I don't even like to call myself an actor), but I envy those that are. I like to figure out where I belong within the story and how I can advance myself.
Tonight, Scott mentioned we all need to know our relationships with every person onstage. I never knew how important that was until we did The Wild Party. I spent so much time discovering a life and finding relationships with fellow party-goers that it felt like it was my story, the audience just didn't hear my lines. That approach will be very helpful with this show, and I already have some things in mind.
Now on to Act II tomorrow!

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